in Spanish

   Vida Marítima   Vessel histories.

   El ilustrador de barcos   Nice watercolors about ships.

   Ships of the World   Good ships photos collection from two Spanish Captains, with a section dedicated to the Spanish Merchant Fleet. Also in English.

   Página de Aingeru Astui   Very interesting, showing many Spanish Shipping Companies house flags and much more. It has special dedication to Bermeo and the Basque Country.

   La Compañía Trasmediterránea a través de sus buques   The Trasmediterránea's vessels, their data and history.

   Fernando García Echegoyen   Ship lost and wrecks.

   Baixamar   History of the Spanish Merchant Marine, and specially all the related to Menorca and Balearic Island.

   Andimar   Photos of yesterday and today ships.

   Old ships at Corme

   Navegación y Barcos     The sea in the eyes of whom is yet starting, with photos shot in Northwest Spain. Also in English.   Photos mainly shot at Ceuta.

   Marinos Mercantes   Here besides another interesting things there is a forum for seafarers.

   Asociacion Pro Restauracion y Conservación del Correillo "La Palma"   This club deserves all our support to get the Authorities helping them to restore the historic vessel "La Palma".

   Visualships   Photos of the Merchant Marine vessels.

   Costa de Cantabria   Many photos, all related to the sea.

   El desastre del 98   Very interesting site with the history of those fateful years for Spain.

   Escobén   Electronic maritime magazine with interesting articles.

   Diccionario de Siglas Naúticas   In this page there is a very interesting and useful compilation of maritime acronims. The same author has also this other page.

   Carpintería de ribera de Luanco   In this interesting site we can learn about the old ways to build small vessels in the North of Spain.

   Genealogía de Cantabria y Emigración a Ultramar (América y Filipinas)

   Maritime and naval matters in Cuba and the Caribe Sea

   Argentina's Maritime History

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