Funnel by Aingeru Astui

Flag by Aingeru Astui

Francisco García Fernández, S.A.

Francisco García - Collection J. Peña de Berrazueta
La Montaña - Revista Seamanal de la Colonia Montañesa en La Habana - 27/07/1918
Some of the first seven vessels changed their name after bought, and all them in 1916, as per next table:
Name before Name after bought Name in 1916
   Ugarte Nº1    Treto / Maria Clotilde    Clotilde Garcia
   Luis    Maria Magdalena    Magdalena Garcia
   Maria del Carmen    Maria del Carmen    Villa de Pesquera
   Maria Gertrudis    Maria Gertrudis    Eduardo Garcia
   Chio    Maria Cruz    Toñin Garcia
   Fomento    Maria Mercedes    Agustina Garcia
   Progreso    Maria Pilar    Lost in 1915

Maria Magdalena
Magdalena Garcia
Angeles por T. Diedrich
        Before being called Magdalena Garcia from her purchase until 1916 her name was Maria Magdalena. She was bought in 1900 to Luis Castellano, when her name was Luis, having named before Bayones, Mariana and Ugarte. Comparing this and the next photo, when she was already Paco Garcia, can be seen the great difference of silhouette between ballast and loaded conditions due to her small size.
Paco Garcia by T. Diedrich
        When integrated in 1922 in Vapores Costeros she received first the name Magdalena. Later was renamed Paco Garcia, after the sinking of the first Paco Garcia. In 1960 her steam reciprocating machine was removed, and a diesel engine installed. In 1971 she was bouhgt by Naviera Álvarez, but only three years later she was scrapped.
Magdalena por T. Diedrich
        Here is yet as Magdalena berthed at Santander downtown. In the background was the gas station that nowadays has been reconverted in a snack bar, due to the construction of the Centro Botín.
Shipyard / Year W.B. Thompson / 1876
Owner Ugarte Hermanos
Name Ugarte
Owner / Year Enrique Tejeiro / 1878
Name Mariana
Owner / Year José Pedrós / 1882
Name Bayones
Owner / Year Luis Castellano / 1899
Name Luis
Dead weight 245 MT
Gross register 176 GRT
Length 36.7 mtr
Breadth 6.3 mtr
Depth 2.8 mtr
Propulsion Reciprocating compound
Power 156 H.P.
Bought 1898 to
Owner Luis Castillo
Name Luis
Sold 1922 to
Owner Vapores Costeros
Name Magdalena
Name 1960 Paco Garcia
Owner / Year Naviera Álvarez / 1971
Name Paco Garcia
Scrapped 1974

Maria Magdalena - Collection Juanmari Rekalde
At the Muelle de Fomento at Gijón, alongside a steamer. Both with open bridge.
Maria Magdalena - Collection Juanmari Rekalde

Maria Magdalena - Collection C. Kleiss
At Bilbao also as Maria Magdalena

The crisscrossed storiess of the above and below ships are difficult to follow because their owners exchanged them, exchanging their names at the time, for that reason I have summarized them in the following table:
Year Name Owner Name Owner
Before 1878   Ugarte   Ugarte Hermanos   Mariana   Enrique Tejeiro
1878 - Exchange   Mariana   Enrique Tejeiro   Ugarte Nº1   Ugarte Hermanos
1882   Bayones   José Pedrós   Ugarte Nº1   Ugarte Hermanos
1899   Luis   Luis Castillo   Ugarte Nº1   Ugarte Hermanos
1900   Maria Magdalena   Francisco García   Treto   Francisco García
1900   Maria Magdalena   Francisco García   Maria Clotilde   Francisco García

Maria Clotilde
Clotilde García
Maria Clotilde - Collection P. Blanco Álvarez
When she was bought was renamed Maria Clotilde, the name she was wearing in this photo. At Santander, alongside other ship of the company, can be seen her small size.
Maria Clotilde - Collection P. Blanco Álvarez

Shipyard / Year Cox and Company / 1887
Owner Enrique Tejeiro
Name Mariana
Owner / Year Ugarte Hermanos / 1878
Name Ugarte Nº 1
Dead weight 125 MT
Gross register 69 GRT
Length 29.3 mtr
Breadth 5.0 mtr
Depth 2.5 mtr
Propulsion Reciprocating compound
Power 100 H.P.
Bought 1903 to
Owner Ugarte Hermanos
Name Ugarte Nº 1
Sold 1922 to
Owner Vapores Costeros
Name Conchita
Scrapped 1957

When in 1922 she was incorporated to Vapores Costeros her name changed to Conchita.

Maria Mercedes
Agustina Garcia
Ampurdan by T. Diedrich
       She was bought in 1904 to Teodoro H. Maruri, under whose ownership she was named Fomento, and renamed Maria Mercedes, name that changed in 1916 to Agustina Garcia. She was sold in 1917 to Jose Bonet and Tomás Mallol, being renamed La Sabinosa. In 1919 she was acquired by Naviera Catalana and renamed in 1922 Ampurdanes, and in 1924 Freixas 3. In 1929 she was bought by Julio Matas Danés and renamed Ampurdan. She had a long life since at least in 1966 she was still active, although since 1948 her owner was Navegación y Pesca, S.A.
Shipyard / Year Fullerton / 1870
Name Glengarnock
Owner / Year Teodoro H. Maruri / 1874
Name Fomento
Dead weight 270 MT
Gross register 217 GRT
Length 42.5 mtr
Breadth 6.1 mtr
Depth 2.9 mtr
Propulsion Reciprocating compound
Power 215 H.P.
Bought 1904 to
Owner Teodoro H. Maruri
Sold 1918 to
Owner J. Bonet - T. Mallol - La Sabinosa
Name Fomento
Sold 1917 to
Owner J. Bonet - T. Mallol
Name La Sabinosa
Owner / Year Naviera Catalana / 1919
Name La Sabinosa
Nombre 1922 Ampurdanes
Nombre 1924 Freixas 3
Owner / Year Julio Mata Danés / 1929
Nombre 1931 Ampurdan
Owner / Year Navegación y Pesca / 1948
Name Ampurdan
End Unknown

Maria Mercedes - Collection C. Kleiss
At San Sebastián whe she was yet Maria Mercedes
Maria Mercedes - Collection C. Kleiss

Maria Pilar
Maria Pilar - Collection Vicente Sanahuja
At the Muelle de Fomento, at Gijón
Maria Pilar - Collection Vicente Sanahuja
        She was also bought in 1904 to Theodore H. Maruri when she was named Progreso. She was lost in 1915 in the vicinity of Orio, on a trip from Santander to Pasajes. As the sinking was before 1916 ahe did not received the surname García.
Shipyard / Year W.B. Thompson / 1870
Owner Teodoro H. Maruri
Name Progreso
Dead weight 235 MT
Gross register 208 GRT
Length 38.9 mtr
Breadth 5.8 mtr
Depth 3.1 mtr
Propulsion Reciprocating compound
Power 106 H.P.
Bought 1904 to
Owner Teodoro H. Maruri
Name Progreso
Sunk 27/05/1915 - Close to Orio

Maria Gertrudis
Eduardo Garcia
Prudencia - Collection P. Blanco Álvarez
At Santander downtown, close to Hotel Bahía. When in 1922 she was incorporated to Vapores Costeros she was renamed Prudencia, name she had on this photo.
Shipyard / Year Cox and Company / 1887
Owner Manuel Cué Fernández - La Habana
Name Gertrudis
Owner Claudio Fernández Rodríguez
Name Maria Gertrudis
Dead weight 125 MT
Gross register 102 GRT
Length 26.6 mtr
Breadth 5.2 mtr
Depth 2.3 mtr
Propulsion Reciprocating compound
Power 116 H.P.
Bought 1901 to
Owner Claudio Fernández Rodríguez
Name Maria Gertrudis
Sold 1922 to
Owner Vapores Costeros
Name Prudencia
Scrapped 1974

Prudencia - Collection P. Blanco Álvarez

Maria Cruz
Toñin Garcia
Toñin by T. Diedrich
        After several owners and names she was bought by Francisco García in 1904. In 1922 she was transfered to Vapores Costeros, and renamed Toñin.
Shipyard / Year Fullerton / 1870
Name Amy
Owner / Year Nicolás Ulubarri / 1890
Name Laredo
Owner / Year Compañía Marítima Cantabria / 1894
Name Laredo
Owner / Year José Pérez Ayuela / 1899
Name Chio
Dead weight 150 MT
Gross register 161 GRT
Length 31.6 mtr
Breadth 6.2 mtr
Depth 2.5 mtr
Propulsion Reciprocating compound
Power 140 H.P.
Bought 1904 to
Owner José Pérez Ayuela
Sold 1922 to
Owner Vapores Costeros
Name Toñin
Scrapped 1961

Toñin by T. Diedrich
        She was scrapped in 1961 at Avilés. She was towed from Santander to Avilés by the Maria Santiuste. Here they were leaving Puertochico.

Maria del Carmen
Villa de Pesquera
Angeles by T. Diedrich
In 1922 she was joining Vapores Costeros, an renamed Angeles.
Shipyard / Year Cunlitf and Dawson / 1869
Name Cauvara
Owner / Year Pedro de la Colina y Carrera / 1869
Name Barcelona
Owner / Year Ramón y Juan Fernández / 1882
Name Maria del Carmen
Dead weight 139 MT
Gross register 130 GRT
Length 26.0 mtr
Breadth 5.5 mtr
Depth 2.5 mtr
Propulsion Reciprocating compound
Power 112 H.P.
Bought 1904 to
Owner Ramón y Juan Fernández
Name Maria del Carmen
Sold 1922 to
Owner Vapores Costeros
Name Angeles
Scrapped 1965

In 1910 were bought three vessels that changed their names as per next table:
Owner Name Name in 1910 Name in 1916
Minera Cántabro-Asturiana    Palmira    Garcia Nº 1    Sunk in 1913
Minera Cántabro-Asturiana    Asturias    Garcia Nº 2    Paco Garcia
Gregorio Manzárraga    Luis Pinzon    Garcia Nº 3    Juan Garcia

Garcia Nº 1
Palmira - Collection L. Santa Olaya

Shipyard / Year Fullerton / 1869
Owner Andrés Isasi
Name Maria Isasi
Owner / Year Olavarría y Lozano / 1893
Name Palmira
Owner / Year González Posada / 1907
Name Palmira
Owner / Year Soc. Minera Cántabro-Asturiana / 1909
Name Palmira
Dead weight 240 MT
Gross register 165 GRT
Length 26.2 mtr
Breadth 5.9 mtr
Depth 2.6 mtr
Propulsion Reciprocating compound
Power 107 H.P.
Bought 1910 to
Owner Sociedad Minera Cántabro-Asturiana
Name Palmira
Wrecked 12/12/1913 - Close to Gijón

Palmira - Collection L. Santa Olaya
At Gijón as Palmira

The local newspaper wrote about the grounding and lost of the vessel
Garcia Nº 1 - Colección L. Santa Olaya
El Noroeste - 11/December/1913
Garcia Nº 1 - Colección L. Santa Olaya
El Comercio - 12/December/1913
Garcia Nº 1 - Colección L. Santa Olaya
El Noroeste - 12/December/1913
Garcia Nº 1 - Colección L. Santa Olaya
El Comercio - 13/December/1913

Garcia Nº 2
Paco Garcia
Paco Garcia - Collection P. Blanco
At Santander
Shipyard/Year R. Thompson & Sons / 1897
Name Lewis
Owner / Year Menéndez y Fernández / 1902
Name Asturias
Owner / Year Ramón Fernández / 1907
Name Asturias
Owner / Year Soc. Minera Cántabro-Asturiana / 1909
Name Asturias
Dead weight 205 MT
Gross register 197 GRT
Length 35.0 mtr
Breadth 6.1 mtr
Depth 2.8 mtr
Propulsion Reciprocating compound
Power 132 H.P.
Bought 1910 to
Owner Ramón Fernández
Sold 1922 to
Owner Vapores Costeros
Name Paco Garcia
Sunk - 29/12/1959 between Gijón and Burela - 1 dead

Garcia Nº 3
Juan Garcia
Shipyard/Year Caird and Company / 1865
Owner J.G. Perido - Cádiz
Name Pedro
Owner / Year Pedro Marroquí - Cádiz / 1879
Name Andaluz
Owner / Year G. Verdejo - Almería / 1885
Name Juana
Owner / Year L. Camero y Reino - Huelva / 1888
Name Luis Pinzón
Owner / Year J. José María Parejo - Huelva / 1890
Name Luis Pínzon
Owner / Year Th. Morrison - Huelva / 1894
Name Luis Pinzon
Owner / Year Moll y Corominas - Barcelona / 1901
Name Luis Pinzon
Owner / Year M. Duclos y Cía. - Alicante / 1902
Name Luis Pinzon
Owner / Year P. Elguezabal - Alicante / 1904
Name Luis Pinzon
Owner / Year Mazarrasa y Larrumbide - Alicante / 1907
Name Luis Pinzon
Dead weight 268 MT
Gross register 180 GRT
Length 38.1 mtr
Breadth 5.2 mtr
Depth 3.7 mtr
Propulsion Reciprocating compound
Potencia 110 C.V.
Bought 1910 to
Owner Gregorio Mazarrasa
Name Luis Pinzon
Sold 1922 to
Owner Vapores Costeros
Name Maria Santiuste
Scrapped in 1924 due to damages after grounding

In 1914-15 were bought three vessels that received directly the surname García, as per next table:
Owner Name Name after bought
Antonio López de Haro Zárate    España    Francisco Garcia
Compañía de Navegación La Isleña    Tenerife    Antonio Garcia
Compañía de Navegación La Isleña    Chasna    Rita Garcia

Francisco Garcia
Francisco Garcia - Collection L. Santa Olaya

Shipyard / Year C. Hill and Sons / 1884
Name Westbury
Owner / Year Hijos de Gaspar Matos - Barcelona / 1902
Name Gerona
Owner / Year Vives y Morales - Málaga / 1905
Name España
Owner / Year Luis Vives García - Málaga / 1910
Name España
Owner / Year Antonio López de Haro Zárate / 1912
Name España
Dead weight 478 MT
Gross register 390 GRT
Length 46.5 mtr
Breadth 6.7 mtr
Depth 4.5 mtr
Propulsion Reciprocating triple expansion
Power 270 H.P.
Bought 1914 to
Owner Antonio López de Haro Zárate
Name España
Sold 1917 to
Owner Compañía Duranguesa
Name Ermodo
Owner / Year Compañía Marítima Ybai
Name Ybai Zuri
Owner / Year Compañía Naviera Iturri
Name Iturri Zuri
Scrapped Mahón - 1923

Antonio Garcia
Malvarrosa - Collection C. Kleiss
        This was the first Antonio Garcia. She was built by Scott and Company at Bownes (United Kingdom) as Nigel. After four Brithish owners she was bought by Compañía de Navegación Tenerife and renamed Tenerife, being sold in 1907 to Compañía Isleña de Vapores Fruteros de Tenerife-Hamilton and Company, keeping the name. In 1915 she was bought by Francisco García and renamed Antonio Garcia. In 1918 she was sold to Antonio Rosell Porta, being renamed as Malvarrosa, name that she has on the photo. In 1926 she was bought by Joaquín Cabo Páez, changing her name to Cabo Paez, that kept until scrapped in 1969, although since 1936 the owners were Cabo Hermanos.
Shipyard / Year Scott and Company / 1886
Name Nigel
Owner / Year Cía. de Navegación de Tenerife / 1895
Name Tenerife
Owner / Year Compañía de Navegación La Isleña / 1907
Name Tenerife
Dead weight 300 MT
Gross register 256 GRT
Length 41.2 mtr
Breadth 6.7 mtr
Depth 3.2 mtr
Propulsion Reciprocating compound
Power 320 H.P.
Bought 1915 to
Owner Compañía de Navegación La Isleña
Name Tenerife
Sold 1918 to
Owner Antonio Rosell Porta
Name Malvarrosa
Owner Joaquín Cabo Páez / 1926
Name Cabo Paez
Scrapped 1969

Rita Garcia
Carmen by T. Diedrich
        The first Rita Garcia was bought in 1915 also to Compañía Isleña de Vapores Fruteros de Tenerife-Hamilton and Company, where she was Chasna. She wasintegrated in 1922 in Vapores Costeros, being renamed Carmen.
        She grounded on 5/July/1969 close to Tagle (Cantabria - Spain), being a total loss. Her seven crewmembers got ashore by their own.
Shipyard / Year Gibbs and Company / 1904
Owner Compañía de Navegación de Tenerife
Name Chasna
Owner / Year Compañía de Navegación La Isleña / 1907
Name Chasna
Dead weight 225 MT
Gross register 199 GRT
Length 32.0 mtr
Breadth 6.6 mtr
Depth 3.5 mtr
Propulsion Reciprocating compound
Power 144 H.P.
Bought 1915 to
Owner Compañía de Navegación La Isleña
Name Chasna
Sold 1922 to
Owner Vapores Costeros
Name Carmen
Wrecked 05/07/1959 - Close to Tagle (Cantabria)

Toñueca Garcia
        The last ship bought in this stage was a sailing ship, the Toñueca Garcia. She was built in 1899 but is unknown where. In 1924 she was sold to Isidro Real Besamela and renamed Covadal.
Shipyard / Year xxxx / 1899
Dead weight 100 MT
Gross register 57 GRT
Length 19.1 mtr
Breadth 5.5 mtr
Depth 2.3 mtr
Propulsion Sailing ship
Auxilar machine for maneuvers
Power 25 H.P.
Sold 1918 to
Owner Isidro Real Besamela - Santander
Name Covadal

        When in 1922 Vapores Costeros was created all the steam vessels were integrated in it and only the Toñueca Garcia was kept. In 1926 the tugboat Bizi Gara, built at Bilbao in 1920, was bought and renamed Tritonazo, being sold in 1929. In 1924 began the second stage of the shipping company buying vessels of greater tonnage to be dedicated to great cabotage and trasatlantic navigations.
The next table shows them:
Owner Name Name after bought
Luis Liaño Trueba    Pilar    Francisco Garcia
Sociedad Naviera Elcano    Donostia    Magdalena R. de Garcia
José Martínez Fernández    Tres Hermanos    Antonio Garcia
Ellaston Steamship    Ellaston    Rita Garcia

Francisco Garcia
Francisco Garcia - Marina Cántabra III

Shipyard / Year Whitehaven Shipyard / 1885
Name Beny
Name 1889 Mongibello
Name 1899 Gouverneur Ballay
Dead weight 1,500 MT
Gross register 985 GRT
Length 65.7 meters
Breadth 10.3 metrs
Depth 4.8 metrs
Propulsion Reciprocating triple expansion
Power 508 H.P.
Bought 1924 to
Owner Luis Liaño Trueba
Name Pilar
Sold 1931 to
Owner Jesús García Castillo
Name Jesus Antonio
Sunk 30/06/1941 - Mine close to Genoa

Magdalena R. de Garcia
Shipyard / Year London & Glasgow / 1895
Name Vimeira
Owner / Year Echevarrieta y Larrinaga / 1913
Name Miguel
Owner / Year S.A. de Navegación Palma / 1917
Name Miguel
Owner / Year C.A. de Navegación Izarra / 1918
Name Donostia
Owner / Year Sociedad Naviera Elcano / 1920
Name Donostia
Dead weight 4,200 MT
Gross register 2,710 GRT
Length 91.4 mtr
Breadth 12.8 mtr
Depth 5.9 mtr
Propulsion Reciprocating triple expansion
Power 1,286 H.P.
Bought 1924 to
Owner Sociedad Naviera Elcano
Name Donostia
Scrapped Bilbao - 1935

Antonio Garcia
        She was bought in 1927 from José Martínez Fernández, who had bought her in 1919 when, being British, she carried the name Cogent, with which can be seen here. Only two years later, on 13/December/1929, she sank off Vigo during a voyage from Avilés to Valencia with coal after a collision with the Hydra, with five crew members dead.
Shipyard / Year J. Westoll / 1883
Name Cogent
Owner / Year José Martínez Fernández / 1919
Name Tres Hermanos
Dead weight 3,100 MT
Length 83.8 mtr
Breadth 11.7 mtr
Depth 6.2 mtr
Propulsion Reciprocating triple expansion
Power 1,180 H.P.
Bought 1927 to
Owner José Martínez Fernández
Name Tres Hermanos
Sunk 13/12/1929 -- 42ª10'N - 09º31'W

Rita Garcia
Rita Garcia by T. Diedrich
        The second Rita Garcia was built in 1922 and bought in 1929. She was almost new, only 7 years old when bought. She was the youngest vessel bought by the company, the next one was the first Rita Garcia, 11 years old when bought. The oldest when bought was the Garcia Nº 1: 41 years old.
Rita Garcia por T. Diedrich

Shipyard / Year R. Thompson / 1922
Name Ellaston
Dead weight 6,980 MT
Gross register 3,708 GRT
Length 109.5 mtr
Breadth 15.0 mtr
Depth 8.0 mtr
Propulsion Reciprocating triple expansion
Power 1,800 H.P.
Bought 1929 to
Owner Ellaston Steamship Co.
Name Ellaston
Scrapped Cartagena - 1969
        She suffered on 11/February/1936 a severe accident that was close to constructive total loss, although with a lot of work and luck she was saved. As a result she was repairing at Euskalduna (Bilbao) when the Civil War began, being confiscated by the Republican Government and making several trips after the completion of said repair. In 1938 she was recovered by the National Government and returned to her shipowner, remaining in service until being scrapped in 1969 at Cartagena.
Rita Garcia - Collection F. García Echegoyen
        Due to the damages caused by a storm, she grounded on 11/February/1936 near Ancona (Italy) when she was sailing with coal from the United Kingdom to Ravenna (Italy). On this photo she is seen on the morning of that day, shortly after the grounding.
Rita Garcia - Collection F. García Echegoyen
        This photo was shot at 14:15 on the same day. On this and the previous one can be observed the lifeline to evacuate the crew.
Rita Garcia - Collection F. García Echegoyen
        The crew was later transferred to Ancona, after walking up the hill to some cars that were at the road located on the top of the cliff. On the way to them they shot this photo at 17:30 that same day.
Rita Garcia - Collection F. García Echegoyen
        As soon as the storm subsided, work began to refloat the ship. For this it was necessary to lighten the coal to barges while trying to remove her with tugs. On this photo taken on March 4th, the tugboats had to leave due another storm that caused a barge to sink. She was finally refloated on March 14th and after being towed to Trieste to be repaired provisionally returned to Spain to be permanently repaired.
Rita Garcia - Collection J. Peña
La Voz de Cantabria -- 12/March/1936
Rita Garcia - Collection J. Peña
La Voz de Cantabria -- 14/March/1936
Rita Garcia - Collection C. Kleiss
This nice photo shows her at Tarragona
Rita Garcia - Collection C. Kleiss

Rita Garcia

Contrato de Embarque - Colección de Carlos M. Esperón

Rita Garcia - Stamp -- Collection A. Mantilla

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