Funnel by Aingeru Astui
Flag by Aingeru Astui

Echevarrieta y Larrinaga

Name Shipyard / Year DWT GRT Length Breadth Depth Machine H.P. Bought End / Sold to / Year
Bernabe  John Readhead & Sons / 1889 3,800 2,288 88.4 11.9 6.1 Triple exp. 1,147 1905  Sunk / 13-11-1915
Cosme  Richardson, Duck & Co. / 1890 3,700 2,523 90.5 12.2 5.8 Triple exp. 1,800 1905  S.A. de Navegación Palma / 1917
Isidoro  Craig, Taylor & Co. / 1897 3,250 2,044 82.6 12.4 5.3 Triple exp. 1.540 1905  Torpedoed by U-38/ 17-08-1915
Horacio  William Gray & Co. / 1888 3,600 2,318 88.4 11.6 6.2 Triple exp. 1,100 1905  S.A. de Navegación Palma / 1917
Rafael  John Readhead and Sons / 1890 3,517 2,340 90.4 12.0 5.4 Triple exp. 1,107 1907  Sunk / 21-12-1911
Miguel  Bowdler, Chaffer & Co. / 1872 1,000 816 61.0 8.6 5.1 Compound 470 1907  Cía. Santurzana de Navegación / 1909
Satur  E. Withy & Co. / 1891 4,130 2,958 95.8 12.3 6.4 Triple exp. 1,455 1908  Altos Hornos de Vizcaya / 1917
Manuel  Sir Raylton Dixon / 1895 3,600 2,419 89.8 12.6 5.4 Triple exp. 1,266 1908  Torpedoed by UB-38 / 16-01-1917
Nicolas  Sir Raylton Dixon / 1895 3,600 2,423 89.8 12.6 5.4 Triple exp. 1,095 1908  S.A. de Navegación Palma / 1917
Rafael  William Gray & Co. / 1894 4,200 2,734 93.3 13.1 5.6 Triple exp. 1,100 1912  S.A. de Navegación Palma / 1917
Miguel  London & Glasgow Co. / 1895 4,200 2,710 91.4 12.8 5.9 Triple exp. 1,286 1913  S.A. de Navegación Palma / 1917

         She was built in 1888 in the United Kingdom as the Aberfeldy, passing to the Spanish flag in 1914, since she was bought in 1905 but she she was operated from that year until 1908 with the Honduran flag and from 1908 to 1914 with the Uruguayan flag.
         She sank on November 13, 1915 due to a strong storm. She was making a trip from Cardiff (United Kingdom) to Bordeaux (France) with coal, and was at the entrance to the Gironde River estuary, which would take her to Bordeaux, her destination. A wave swept away the quarters that closed hold 2, flooding the hold rapidly and bringing the ship to a halt. The ship tried to anchor, as she was very close to the coast, but she dragged the anchor and drifted to the beach, running aground. The force of the waves began to destroy the ship, taking the lifeboats with it. Thirteen crew members swam and wore life jackets and managed to reach the coast, which was about 200 metres away, but the remaining eleven died.
Shipyard / Year John Readhead - South Shields / 1889
Name Aberfeldy
Dead weight 3,800 MT
Gross register 2,288 GRT
Length 88.4 mtr
Breadth 11.9 mtr
Depth 6.1 mtr
Propulsion Reciprocating triple expansion
Power 1,147 H.P.
Speed 8 knots
Bought 1905 to
Owner Doughty Shipping Co. Ltd.
Name Aberfeldy
Wrecked 13/11/1915 - Estuary Río Gironda

SAC 5 -
In 1943 at drydock, as SAC 5.
Shipyard / Year Richardson, Duck & Co. / 1890
Name Darlington
Dead weight 3,700 MT
Gross register 2,523 GRT
Length 90.5 mtr
Breadth 12.2 mtr
Depth 5.8 mtr
Propulsion Reciprocating triple expansion
Power 1,475 H.P.
Speed 8.5 knots
Bought 1905 to
Owner Commercial Steamship Co. Ltd.
Name Darlington
Sold 1917 to
Owner S.A. de Navegación Palma / 1917
Name Cosme
Owner / Year S.A. de Navegación Izarra / 1917
Name Azpeitia
Owner / Year Sociedad Naviera Elcano / 1922
Name Azpeitia
Owner / Year Juan Bautista Borés / 1923
Name Dimarts
Owner / Year TAC / 1927
Name SAC 5
Name 1949 SAC Sevilla
Scrapped Barcelona - 1965

SAC 5 -
Aft hold view at same drydock

Isidoro - Collection C. Kleiss

Shipyard / Year Craig, Taylor & Co. / 1897
Name Admiral Ihlen
Owner / Year Compañía del Vapor Menditarra / 1899
Name Menditarra
Dead weight 3,250 MT
Gross register 2,044 GRT
Length 82.6 mtr
Breadth 12.4 mtr
Depth 5.3 mtr
Propulsion Reciprocating triple expansion
Power 1,540 H.P.
Bought 1905 to
Owner Compañía del Vapor Menditarra
Name Menditarra
Sunk 17/08/1915 - Gunfire by U-38

Isidoro - Collection C. Kleiss
At La Rochelle

Aitor (Santa Fé - Argentina) - 15/April/2015
Shipyard / Year William Gray - West Hartlepool / 1888
Name Evelyn
Dead weight 3,600 MT
Gross register 2,318 GRT
Length 88.4 mtr
Breadth 11.6 mtr
Depth 6.2 mtr
Propulsion Reciprocating triple expansion
Power 1,110 H.P.
Speed 8 knots
Bought 1905 to
Owner T. Appleby and Company
Name Evelyn
Sold 1917 to
Owner Sociedad Anónima de Navegación Palma
Name Horacio
Owner / Year Compañía de Navegación Bengolea / 1918
Name Arantzazu
Owner / Year Compañía Euzkera de Navegación / 1923
Name Arantzazu
Owner / Year Zabala, Goitia y Compañía, S. en C. / 1930
Name Arantzazu
Owner / Year Compañía Naviera Basoa / 1935
Name Iñake
Wrecked 13/04/1949 - Close to Suances

        She was built in 1890 in the United Kingdom as Constantinos Stathatos for a Greek shipping company that registered her in Ithaca. When bought she was registered under the flag of Uruguay, but never flew the Spanish flag as she sank before all its ships were re-flagged, which took place between 1913 and 1915. She sank on 21/December/1911 at the entrance to the Gironde estuary due to a strong storm that broke the rudder guards. It was impossible to repair them and the unsteered ship ran aground on a patch of sand and stones, where she was destroyed by the incoming sea.
Shipyard / Year John Readhead - South Shields / 1890
Name Constantinos Stathatos
Name / Year Beechburn / 1904
Dead weight 3,517 MT
Gross register 2,340 GRT
Length 90.4 mtr
Breadth 12.0 mtr
Depth 5.4 mtr
Propulsion Reciprocating triple expansion
Power 1,107 H.P.
Speed 8 knots
Bought 1907 to
Owner Beechburn Steamship Company Limited
Name Beechburn
Wrecked 21/12/1911 - Estuary Río Gironda

Ramonita - Collection C. Kleiss

Shipyard / Year Bowdler, Chaffer & Co. / 1872
Name Moratin
Owner / Year Miguel Sáenz y Compañía / 1874
Name Moratin
Owner / Year La Bética Empresa de Nav. a Vapor / 1892
Name Moratin
Owner / Year Viuda de Sebastián A. Gómez / 1907
Name Moratin
Dead weight 1,000 MT
Gross register 816 GRT
Length 61.0 mtr
Breadth 8.6 mtr
Depth 5.1 mtr
Propulsion Reciprocating compound
Power 470 H.P.
Bought 1907 to
Owner Viuda de Sebastián A. Gómez
Sold 1909 to
Owner Compañía Santurzana de Navegación
Name Ramonita
Owner / Year Compañía Marítima Española / 1921
Name Monte Igueldo
Scrapped 1926

Ramonita - Collection C. Kleiss
At Barcelona, already as Ramonita.

Satur - Collection C. Kleiss

Shipyard / Year E. Withy & Company / 1891
Name Wildcroft
Dead weight 4,130 MT
Gross register 2,958 GRT
Length 95.8 mtr
Breadth 12.4 mtr
Depth 6.4 mtr
Propulsion Reciprocating triple expansion
Power 1.455 H.P.
Bought 1908 to
Owner Wildcroft Steamship Co. Ltd.
Name Wildcroft
Sold 1916 to
Owner Altos Hornos de Vizcaya
Owner Victor de Chavarri
22/11/1918 - Torpedoed by the submarine UB-31

        Shet was built in 1895 by Sir Raylton Dixon & Company as the Normandy. When she was bought in 1908 by Echevarrieta and Larrinaga, she was registered in Uruguay, and passed to the Spanish flag in 1913. On 14/January/1917, near Ushant (France), she was stopped by the German submarine UB-38, which after checking the documentation ordered her to be abandoned and placed explosives to sink her. The 24 crew members were picked up by the Swedish ship Karl, which transported them to La Coruña. She was sailing from Bilbao to Glasgow with a cargo of copper ore.
Shipyard / Year Sir Raylton Dixon - Middlesbrough / 1895
Name Normandy
Dead weight 3,600 MT
Gross register 2,419 GRT
Length 89.8 mtr
Breadth 12.6 mtr
Depth 5.4 mtr
Propulsion Reciprocating triple expansion
Power 1,266 H.P.
Bought 1908 to
Owner D. MacIver, Sons & Company Ltd.
Name Normandy
Sunk 16/01/1917 - By the submarine UB-38

Sendeja - El Cantábrico - 23/03/1928
As Sendeja aground at Santander
         She was built in 1895 by Sir Raylton Dixon & Company as Normandy. When she was bought in 1908 by Echevarrieta and Larrinaga was registered in Uruguay, passing to the Spanish flag in 1913. She was another of the ships that in 1917 passed to Sociedad Anónima de Navegación Palma, being sold in 1918 to Compañía Marítima Bilbao, which renamed her Sendeja.
Shipyard / Year Sir Raylton Dixon - Middlesbrough / 1895
Name Lombardy
Dead weight 3,600 MT
Gross register 2,423 GRT
Length 89.8 mtr
Breadth 12.6 mtr
Depth 5.4 mtr
Propulsion Reciprocating triple expansion
Power 1,266 H.P.
Bought 1908 to
Owner D. MacIver, Sons & Company Ltd.
Name Lombardy
Sold 1917 to
Owner Sociedad Anónima de Navegación Palma
Name Nicolas
Owner / Year Compañía Marítima Bilbao / 1918
Name Sendeja
Wrecked 03/02/1928 - Santander Bay
Scrapped Bilbao - 1928

Sendeja - El Cantábrico - 23/03/1928
El Cantábrico - 4/February/1928
Sendeja - El Cantábrico - 23/03/1928
        On the morning of 02/February/1928, sailing in ballast from Bilbao to Gijón, she arrived in Santander to take shelter from a strong storm. Once inside the bay, she anchored near the Isla de la Horadada, interfering with traffic entering and leaving the port, notifying that she would only remain there for a few hours. On the morning of the 3rd, since she was still there, she was told that she had to change to the Anchorage of the Martyrs, located further inside the bay. When carrying out the maneuver, due to strong gusts of wind and possibly low power of the machine, she ran aground on the Playa del Puntal. The attempts to refloat her, with the help of the tugs Triton and Jaureguizar, were unsuccessful. As the days went by and the sea conditions increased, the ship was getting worse and worse. The ship was practically considered lost, and the insurers had to pay 12,000 pounds sterling to the shipowner, but the Port Pilot Indalecio Santos proposed refloating her for 3,000 pounds. The insurers accepted this, and with the personnel he hired he prepared a system that made the ship come out of the stranding, pulling the ropes that had been made firm to put her in position, and later with his own machine. All this is described in the article published in El Diario Montañés in 2018.
         She was towed for repairs to the Euskalduna shipyard in Bilbao, but once the damage was recognized, it was decided to scrap her.
Sendeja - El Cantábrico - 23/03/1928
El Cantábrico - 23/March/1928
Sendeja - El Cantábrico - 23/03/1928

Achuri por T. Diedrich
As Achuri
Shipyard / Year William Gray and Company / 1894
Name Garton
Dead weight 4,200 MT
Gross register 2,734 GRT
Length 93.3 mtr
Breadth 13.1 mtr
Depth 5.6 mtr
Propulsion Reciprocating triple expansion
Power 1,100 H.P.
Bought 1912 to
Owner Deddington Steam Ship Co.
Name Garton
Sold 1917 to
Owner Sociedad Anónima de Navegación Palma
Name Rafael
Owner / Year Compañía Marítima Bilbao / 1918
Name Achuri
Owner / Year José Agustín Mutiozábal / 1928
Name Achuri
Scrapped San Esteban de Pravia / 1963

        She was built in 1895 as Vimeira, passing to Spanish flag in 1914 when she was bought by Echevarrieta y Larrinaga and being renamed as Miguel, the second with that name. In 1917 she was sold, along with four other ships of the company, to Sociedad Anónima de Navegación Palma, changing her name to Donostia, which she kept when she was purchased in 1918 by Sociedad Anónima de Navegación Izarra and in 1920 by Sociedad Naviera Elcano, from whom she was acquired in 1924. She was scrapped in 1935.
Shipyard / Year London & Glasgow - Govan / 1895
Name Vimeira
Dead weight 4,200 MT
Gross register 2,710 GRT
Length 91.4 mtr
Breadth 12.8 mtr
Depth 5.9 mtr
Propulsion Reciprocating triple expansion
Power 1,286 H.P.
Bought 1913 to
Owner Gow, Harrison & Company
Name Vimeira
Sold 1917 to
Owner Sociedad Anónima de Navegación Palma
Name Miguel
Owner / Year Cía. Anónima de Navegación Izarra / 1918
Name Donostia
Owner / Year Sociedad Naviera Elcano / 1920
Name Donostia
Owner / Year Francisco García Fernández / 1922
Name Magdalena R. de García
Scrapped Bilbao - 1935

Agadir - Collection L. Santa Olaya
This vessel was the number 6 in a serie of six sister ships built by Echevarrieta y Larrinaga own shipyard, at Cádiz.
Shipyard / Year Echevarrieta y Larrinaga / 1920
Dead weight 685 MT
Gross register 567 GRT
Length 51.7 mtr
Breadth 7.8 mtr
Depth 3.2 mtr
Propulsion Reciprocating triple expansion
Power 425 H.P.
Sold 1924 to
Owner Soc. Catalana de Gas y Electricidad
Name Agadir
Foundered 08/10/1934 - Aviles entrance

Agadir - Collection L. Santa Olaya

Agadir - Collection L. Santa Olaya

Agadir - Collection L. Santa Olaya
ABC - 31/October/1934
Agadir - Collection L. Santa Olaya
La Vanguardia - 20/October/1935

Gadir - Collection Aserrín
These photos show the Gadir launching on 03/November/1918, built with the yard number 1.
Gadir - Collection Aserrín

Shipyard / Year Echevarrieta y Larrinaga / 1919
Dead weight 682 MT
Gross register 538 GRT
Length 51.7 mtr
Breadth 7.8 mtr
Depth 3.2 mtr
Propulsion Reciprocating triple expansion
Power 425 H.P.
Sold 1919 to
Owner Cía. Vasco Valenciana de Navegación
Name Gadir
Owner / Year Compañía Marítima Canaria / 1927
Name Gadir
Owner / Year Álvaro Rodríguez López / 1934
Name Santa Ursula
Name 1935 San Juan II
Owner / Year Adolfo Ramírez Escudero / 1932
Name San Juan II
Owner / Year Transcomar / 1941
Name San Juan II
Name / Year Feodosia / 1943
Name / Year Suzanne / 1943
Torpedoed 14/07/1944 - Livadia Bay by Vivid

Gadir - Collection Aserrín

Gadir - Collection Aserrín
All them, except the Agadir, were sold to Compañía Vasco Valenciana de Navegación shortly after finished.
Gadir - Collection Aserrín

This table shows the six sister ships listed by yard number and their data.
Name Launched Finished Sold End
Gadir 11/1918 03/1919 08/04/1919    14/07/1944 - Torpedoed
Nadir 01/1919 05/1919 20/11/1919    12/04/1943 - Sunk
Amir 05/1919 08/1919 20/11/1919    06/06/1944 - Torpedoed
Ophir 06/1919 11/1919 28/01/1920    1968 - Scrapped
Menhir 08/1919 02/1920 23/03/1920    28/05/1930 - Wrecked
Agadir 09/1919 02/1920 08/09/1924    08/10/1934 - Sunk

Ophir - Collection C. Kleiss

Shipyard / Year Echevarrieta y Larrinaga / 1920
Dead weight 665 MT
Gross register 549 GRT
Length 51.7 mtr
Breadth 7.8 mtr
Depth 3.2 mtr
Propulsion Reciprocating triple expansion
Power 425 H.P.
Sold 1920 to
Owner Cía. Vasco Valenciana de Navegación
Name Ophir
Owner / Year Compañía Trasmediterránea / 1925
Name Ophir
Owner / Year CAMPSA / 1930
Name Ophir
Owner / Year José Navarro Francés / 1965
Name Ophir
Scrapped 1968

Ophir - CollectionC. Kleiss
At Mahón, with the Trasmediterránea funnel.
Ophir - Collection J. Pérez-Oleaga
On this already with the CAMPSA funnel, but not yet converted to tanker.

Campestre - Collection J. Pérez-Oleaga
As Campestre
Shipyard / Year Armstrong Whitworth & Co. / 1900
Name Tiflis
Dead weight 4,443 MT
Gross register 3,030 GRT
Length 93.0 mtr
Breadth 12.2 mtr
Depth 7.7 mtr
Propulsion Reciprocating triple expansion
Power 1,400 H.P.
Bought 1920 to
Owner Lane and Mac Andrew Ltd.
Name Tiflis
Sold 1920 to
Owner Cía. Vasco Valenciana de Navegación
Name Tiflis
Owner / Year CAMPSA / 1932
Name Campestre
Owner / Year CEPSA / 1957
Name Monteleon
Explosion 19/03/1966 - Santa Cruz de Tenerife
Scrapped Avilés - 1966

Monteleon por T. Diedrich
As Monteleon

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