Funnel by Aingeru Astui
Flag by Aingeru Astui

Compañía Trasmediterránea

Miguel Primo de Rivera
Ciudad de Algeciras
Ciudad de Algeciras - Collection T. Diedrich
      On 1927 two sister ships were built by Unión Naval de Levante, at Valencia. They were the Miguel Primo de Rivera and General Sanjurjo. The Miguel Primo de Rivera was renamed Ciudad de Algeciras when Spain became a republic.

Shipyard / Year Unión Naval de Levante / 1927
Dead weight 278 MT
Gross register 1,067 GRT
Passengers 124
Length 62.0 mtr
Breadth 9.7 mtr
Depth 5,2 meters
Propulsion 2 x Krupp 4SA6C460/630
Power 1,600 H.P.
Speed 14 knots
Deleted 1975

Miguel Primo de Rivera - Collection C. Kleiss
At Algeciras with her first name. By her poop was the General Sanjurjo.
Miguel Primo de Rivera - Collection C. Kleiss

Miguel Primo de Rivera - Collection L. Santa Olaya
The launching, on 28/July/1928.
Ciudad de Algeciras - Marinos Mercantes
      On 1976 was sold to the Asociación Asturiana de Capitanes de la Marina Mercante and berthed at Dársena de Fomento at Gijón, where is showed on this photo. Afterwards she was bar and discothèque, until being finally scrapped.
Ciudad de Algeciras - Collection L. Santa Olaya

General Sanjurjo
Ciudad de Ceuta
Ciudad de Ceuta - Collection T. Diedrich
The General Sanjurjo was renamed Ciudad de Ceuta at same time.
Shipyard / Year Unión Naval de Levante / 1928
First name General Sanjurjo
Name 1931 Ciudad de Ceuta
Dead weight 238 MT
Gross register 1,045 GRT
Passengers 135
Lenght 61.9 mtr
Breadth 9.7 mtr
Depth 5.2 mtr
Propulsion 2 x Krupp 4SA6C460/630
Power 1,600 C.V.
Speed 14 knots
Vendido 1976 a
Owner Asoc. Vizcaína de Capitanes de la M.M.
Owner Consulado de Bilbao
Wrecked 26/08/1983 - Bilbao

Consulado de Bilbao by F. Estrañi
      She was sold on 1976 to the Asociación Vizcaina de Capitanes de la Marina Mercante, being renamed Consulado de Bilbao and berthed at Uribitarte pier. She had a sad end because on 23/August/1983, due to floodings produced by heavy rain, broke free and was dragged by the river and sunk.
Photo by L. Santa Olaya
Her anchor was recovered and is in the Anchors Museum, at Salinas (Asturias)

Plus Ultra
Plus Ultra - Collection T. Diedrich
In 1928 Unión Naval de Levante delivered the steamer Plus Ultra. These two photos show the differences between her look as steamer and motorship, that included accomodation modifications.
Plus Ultra - Colección de F. Estrañi
We can take a look to a postcard with her look as steamer
Plus Ultra by J.A. Llebrés

Shipyard / Year Unión Naval de Levante / 1928
Dead weight 3,618 MT
Gross register 4,312 GRT
Passengers 144 = 57(1st)+39(2nd)+48(3rd)
Length 98.8 mtr
Breadth 14.5 mtr
Depth 8.8 mtr
Propulsion Reciprocating triple expansion
Power 2,200 H.P.
Dynamos 2 x 115 kW - 220 VDC
Speed 12 knots
Propulsion changed in 1953
Propulsion Diesel engine MAN
Power 2,550 H.P.
Speed 15 knots
Scrapped San Esteban de Pravia - 1977

Plus Ultra - Collection C. Kleiss
Here was at Palma de Mallorca, and by her bow was the Ciudad de Ibiza
Plus Ultra - Collection C. Kleiss
And here at Santander. In the foreground was the Johanne, owned by the Danish shipping company Lauritzen.
Plus Ultra - Collection L. Santa Olaya

Infanta Cristina
Ciudad de Cadiz
Ciudad de Cadiz - Collection T. Diedrich

Principe D. Alfonso
Ciudad de Palma
Ciudad de Palma - Collection J.C. Gonzalez

Shipyard / Year Cantieri Navale Triestino / 1930
Dead weight 2,430 MT
Gross register 4,085 GRT
Length 104.3 mtr
Breadth 14.9 mtr
Depth 8.7 mtr
Propulsion 2 x Burmeister & Wain 4TSC8-55/100
Power 6,200 H.P.
Speed 17 knots
Scrapped Villanueva y Geltrú / 1968

Ciudad de Palma - Collection C. Kleiss

Infante D. Juan
Ciudad de Alicante
Ciudad de Alicante - Collection T. Diedrich

Infante D. Gonzalo
Ciudad de Valencia
Ciudad de Valencia - Collection T. Diedrich

General Berenguer
Ciudad de Mahon
Ciudad de Mahon by T. Diedrich

Shipyard / Year Echevarrieta / 1931
Dead weight 823 MT
Passengers 290
Length 71.9 mtr
Breadth 11.0 mtr
Depth 6.8 mtr
Propulsion MAN G8VN84
Power 2,200 H.P.
Bought 1931
Scrapped 1974

General Jordana
Ciudad de Malaga
Ciudad de Malaga - Cien años con la Marina Mercante
      She was sunk on 8/January/1936 after a collision with the Cape of Good Hope, when leaving Las Palmas de Gran Canaria bound to Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Her main engine was recovered and reused in the Castillo Andrade, when she was converted in the Antartico.

Legazpi - Collection T. Diedrich

Shipyard / Year Sir Raylton Dixon & Co. / 1904
Name Zungeru
Owner / Year Cie. Maritime Belge du Congo / 1906
Name Bruxellesville
Owner / Year African Steamship Co. Ltd. / 1908
Name Zungeru
Owner / Year Compañía Trasatlántica Española - 1910
Name Legazpi
Dead weight 4,653 MT
Gross register 4,349 GRT
Length 114.4 mtr
Breadth 14.3 mtr
Depth 8.0 mtr
Propulsion 2 x Reciprocating triple expansion
Power 3,500 H.P.
Speed 13 knots
Bought 1931 to
Owner Compañía Trasatlántica Española
Name Legazpi
Scrapped Sagunto - 1937

Villa de Madrid
Villa de Madrid - Collection T. Diedrich

Shipyard / Year Krupp-Kiel / 1932
Dead weight 4,275 MT
Passengers 624
Length 127,4 mtr
Breadth 17.1 mtr
Depth 9.6 mtr
Propulsion 2 Diesel engines
Power 5,200 H.P.
Scrapped 1979

Maria Mercedes
Maria Mercedes - Collection C. Kleiss

Shipyard / Year Palmers / 1878
Dead weight 648 MT
Gross register 420 GRT
Passengers 60
Length 57.7 mtr
Breadth 7.7 mtr
Depth 3.8 mtr
Propulsion Reciprocating compound
Power 211 H.P.
Bought 1931 to
Owner Naviera Mallorquina
Scrapped 1935

Maria Mercedes - Collection C. Kleiss
These two photos show her at Soller, berthed and sailing from the port

Ciudad de Tarragona
Lvov - Collection A. Paniagua
This photo shows her as Lvov
Shipyard / Year U. N. de Levante / 1933
Dead weight 1,347 MT
GRT 2,034 MT
Passengers 105
Length 93.3 mtr
Breadth 13.9 mtr
Depth 8.6 mtr
Propulsion Diesel engine
Power 1,500 H.P.
Confiscated URSS - 1938 - Lvov

Ciudad de Ibiza
Ciudad de Ibiza - Collection J.L Díaz Campa

Shipyard / Year U. N. de Levante / 1933
Dead weight 1,347 MT
GRT 2,034 MT
Passengers 105
Length 93.3 mtr
Breadth 13.9 mtr
Depth 8.6 mtr
Propulsion Diesel engine
Power 1,500 H.P.
Confiscated URSS - 1937 - Belostok
Sunk 1942 - Gun fire

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